For our premier basket, enjoy all four ofour Bread and Butter Pickles, CandiedJalapenos, Pepper Jelly with Miso and Spices, and Dilled Onions. These gems are sure to become a few of their fav-o-rite things!
For our premier basket, enjoy all four ofour Bread and Butter Pickles, CandiedJalapenos, Pepper Jelly with Miso and Spices, and Dilled Onions. These gems are sure to become a few of their fav-o-rite things!
For our premier basket, enjoy all four ofour Bread and Butter Pickles, CandiedJalapenos, Pepper Jelly with Miso and Spices, and Dilled Onions. These gems are sure to become a few of their fav-o-rite things!
Weight | 4 lbs |
Dimensions | 10.5 × 10.5 × 5 in |